It's been a busy few weeks! Last weekend we went to PA to spend some time with my parents. Which was a lot of fun. We, per the usual, went to Lackawanna State Park a few times to walk and run, one of my favorite things to do while we're visiting them.
I always wonder how many air balloons leave from this launching area each year... |
my Mom's hydrangea's |
We left on Sunday to make the drive back home, and on the way home we saw the most amazing rainbow! It went all the way across the sky and was even a double rainbow in some parts! Charlie was a big meanie and would not stop for me to take a picture, so I had to take one from the rearview mirror...
This past week was a fairly busy one, though not with work. I decided to make a skirt for myself, which I have never done before. That took most of one afternoon/evening. I also made it to yoga and went out for 1/2 price sushi on Monday.
On Friday Charlie and I went to a farm near Canal Winchester and bought a TON of vegetables. I mean a TON. Thirty-nine ears of corn, 1/2 a bushel of green beans and fifteen pounds of tomatoes. On Saturday morning we got up and ate breakfast on the patio, because there was no room to eat breakfast in our house. I saw the tiniest little spider with the tiniest little web on my marigolds...
Then we went to the North Market to get our biweekly CSA share. I took some pictures of the North Market while we were there...
Then we met my a bunch of my family, including my Momma, in Westerville for lunch. It was so good to see everyone!
Next, it was off to find a pressure canner in order to can my green beans and avoid botulism. You might think that this would be not that hard, but we spent a few hours looking with my Mom, with no luck. We then took her to the airport and I broke down and called Walmart. They said they didn't have it, but online it said they did, so we went. They had one. A little piece of me died when I had to spend money there to buy something, but I literally went everywhere else in the entire city of Columbus to no avail. If I had planned enough in advance I would have gotten one online, but my green beans would have gone bad if I waited for that.
So home we went and Charlie, who is such a good sport, sat outside with me for almost two hours cutting up green beans...
Then the canning commenced. It took forever. We have so many green beans now I don't even know what to say about it. Cans upon cans of green beans. We finished the green beans round about midnight last night.
On top of the 3 quart size and 13 pint sized jars of green beans, we have four or five quart sized freezer bags full of them as well.
This morning we started on the tomatoes. Those all fit into 6 quart sized and 2 pint sized jars.Plus they did not need to be pressure canned, so it was quicker. We ended up cooking the corn and cutting it off the cob and putting it into freezer bags to save. We were clean out of mason jars, plus you have to pressure can corn for like a hour at 10 pounds of pressure, which is just crazy. We have I think 9 or 10 quart sized bags of corn too. Like Charlie said, if there is a nuclear holocaust this winter, we should be good for at least a few weeks:)

My aunts were asking me how I had time to can. Well, I have a tendency to commit myself. Like I will go and buy a crap ton of produce and then I either can it or it goes bad. So I can it. I was up until midnight last night doing it, and I spent the better part of today doing it as well. I suppose that I should have been reading ophthalmology or something, but I will do some of that later today after I go for a run. I think that I really do not like to be bored or not busy. So, I find something to do. I think you have time to do anything that you are motivated to do. And I was motivated to do this:)
Canning has fallen out of favor, but I think it might be making a comeback. And I can be at the leading edge:)
On a different note, it is cooling off and getting dark sooner, which means that summer is on it's way out. Seems like just yesterday I wrote about the summer solstice. <Sigh> Life goes on. For now, I'm going for a run!