Sorry to be quiet for so long. I don't really have much to say though. Things have been good here. Not particularly exciting though. Our vegetable garden is growing slowly but surely. I was going to take some pictures, but then it started to thunderstorm so I didn't get a chance. It's OK though because we really, really needed the rain.
Second year is winding down. I officially start third year July 1st. Then it's just 365 days until I'm all done with training. That is exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I've started looking for jobs. I'm hoping to get one nailed down before too long so I don't have to worry about it.
We've been trying to keep doing fun things in and around Columbus. I realize that this is maybe my last summer here, so I want to make sure that we take advantage of it and see as much of it as we can.
A last weekend we went to a concert down by the Scioto River. It was free. The band was the Kentucky Headhunters. We first heard them in Bardstown, KY when we went to the Bourbon Festival down there a few years ago. Everyone thought they were the most amazing thing ever. We were cracking up. They are funny guys, and good musicians, but oh man. The drummer has chops down to his knees, the lead singer wears the tightest jeans I've ever seen on a man, and the other guitar player has a fan by him so that his long hair is always blowing in the breeze and his man boobs are accentuated. But the crowd there was even more entertaining. Everyone one from white trash, hill billies, red necks, and even a transvestite ran up to the stage to snap a few pics. This is one of many reasons why I love Columbus:)
Perfect occasion for cowboy boots! |
Do you see those pants?! Painted on! |
This is the one with the fan and man boobs |
Columbus at night... |
This weekend I threw a baby shower for my friend Nicole. Nicole is married to one of my co-residents and good friends Billy. Nicole is also from St. Henry so we have another connection there. Anyways, I think everything went really well. I'm getting much better at hosting such events. It really is a learned thing. I've finally given up on complicated appetizers. It was at 2pm, so we had fruit, veggies, cupcakes from a local bakery, bread and hummus, and chips and salsa. They're due at the end of August and are having a little boy. I spent the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy telling Billy that it was definitely a girl, but in the end he won out:)
Me and Nicole |
Rachel, Honey, me and Nicole |
Nicole and her sister Terra |
Billy and Nicole |
I've got some pictures of our new mantle in the making, but I'm going to wait until it's done to post about it.
So, that's been my life for now. Hopefully I don't wait another month and a half to write again:)