But recently work has really picked up for him. He has been gone at least 4 sometimes 5 night per week. It has not been unusual for him to get home late on Friday night and have to leave again Sunday evening, which, quite honestly, is not enough time for us to really reconnect on the weekend. So it has sort of built up and now everytime I take him to the airport I just want to cry. Sometimes I do cry. I am getting really sick of it. And it looks like he will be on a more regular schedule pretty soon, but there is never any guarantee that it will really happen or that it will stay that way for long. I miss him. I want him home more than 2 nights per week. I know that it could be worse. Heck, one of my best friends is in the Navy and he would be gone from his wife for 6 months at a time. And they couldn't even talk every night because Lord knew where he'd be or what he'd be doing. But still. I like spending time with my husband and it would be really nice if his company would let him spend some more time with me.
Despite all that, however, we did have a fairly productive weekend. On Saturday we went to see The King's Speech. We never go to the movie theater. Ever. We don't even really watch movies at home. But there was a Groupon for half price admission to a movie theater near us and it needed to be used by the end of the month. So we went. It's not that we don't like movies. It's more that I have other things I could do with $20 than go see a movie. And when Charlie is home we'd rather be hanging out with each other - watching TV, talking, walking, running, doing projects on our house - than watching a movie. So we don't really. But, this was a good movie and I'm glad we watched it.
I also started some herbs in pots inside. It's still too cold out here to plant outside. It snowed this morning. I decided less would be more this year. I planted basil (in the big pot), cilantro (in the medium pot) and Italian parsley (in the square pot). Putting them in pots is better for our house, then I can put them in the sun and take them in if need be. Anyways, here's to hoping they do well. Pesto is my favorite in the summer and I sure do LOVE cilantro:)
See. There you go. I feel better already. Now it's off to do my research paper. I've got some parts of it that are due tomorrow and I still haven't started. But perhaps I'll make dinner first... oh procrastination:)
But, before I go, here is another quote that I like. It reminds me that despite how crazy everything around me sometimes feels, things are exactly as they should be.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace within your soul.
-from "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann
I love the woodwork! You and Charlie did a really good job! The picture of the sunset is out your back window, am I right? Lovely!
I like the quote here, resonates a bit with Ishmael. I'm 2/3 through it, it's really interesting, challenging, but I like it. I cried over the weekend too. First time in awhile. It's just so close to the end of all this and it's so frustrating. Frustrating when you're trying so hard to succeed and still fall short of personal expectations. I ended up, regrettably, throwing my binder (with oh, five or so class subjects in it) across the room and my pencil case and whatever else. I felt a lot better afterward though, even if slightly embarrassed of myself. That was a pain to reorganize a 2 in binder full of papers that are strewn across the bedroom. I decided I needed to start running again...lol. I think I need to put that energy to something less destructive (I kind of hurt our bedroom door too). Oh well, I thought I'd share my mildly similar situation. I love you.
Gus, I'm glad you are liking Ishmael! Just wait till you get to the next one. It was my favorite. Mom stopped reading halfway, but I have two pieces of advice for you. #1 Don't stop reading, even if you don't like the way it's going, because it will end well, and #2 There are these "lectures" (you'll see what I mean). You NEED need need to read the lectures with the text, like when it tells you to, or else the whole thing will not make that much sense.
Thanks, sounds good, I think I'll head to bed now so I may have a little reading time before shut-eye takes over.
By the way, I found all kinds of cool paintings on etsy. It's fun to go through and favorite things.
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