I'm thinking of putting some more embellishments on it, maybe a button or two, some embroidery, but for right now it's good enough. It took me the better part of yesterday to do, which means that now I'm behind on my reading. Oh well. I'm going to try to catch up today.
Also, Charlie and I put in our registration to join St. Mary's in German Village today. It was actually his idea, not mine. He said that he wanted to join because he always feels good once he leaves and he thinks that it is a good time for reflection. Plus it gets us up Sunday mornings. We'll see if it lasts, but for now we're going to try to keep going. They talked a lot about Roe v Wade this morning because the anniversary of it is this week I guess. I just tune that out. I understand where the church is coming from, and I believe that abortion would never be the right choice for me. I just believe in keeping it legal and safe for those that do.
Anyways, enough of that, I have a lot of reading to do...
Kristen, I love your bag! It is beautiful! Sewing corners are hard and making your own bias tape... pretty advanced. I always tell remind myself of what the Shaker or the Amish women would do when they made something, they always dropped a stitch or made a mistake because only God is perfect :).
You can only imagine that my eyes filled with tears to hear that you are registering at the church and that it was Charlie's idea. I have a hard time often with some of the teachings of the Catholic church, but I try to keep focusing on being loving rather than perfection or being right. I believe in keeping abortion legal and safe too.
I see you had to remove a comment? I hope no one was being mean. You lunch pail looks awesome, I love the color choices you make. It's great that you found a place that sends you away feeling good.
Ha, no Mom made a comment but didn't like it or something so she deleted it. That wasn't me:)
And thanks. I don't know if I can take credit for the color choices. I bought a stack of fabric squares that were all sandwiched together and tied up with a bow from Sew to Speak, so they put them together. I do like the colors though:) I'm thinking of adding a handle. We'll see.
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