Sunday, September 1, 2013


Finally got to go to St. Patrick's for mass this morning. It's the only Catholic Church here in North Platte, but they do have a Pre-K through 12 school, which I think is a cool thing for a town this small.

When we walked in there were greeters at the door that welcomed you to the church as though you'd always been there. They could tell right away that we were new and asked our names and what brought us to North Platte. The priest is on the younger side, probably 40's or so. His homily was about humility and was one of the more relevant and practical sermons I've heard in a long, long time. He talked about reminding ourselves in the presence of Jesus that He is God, I am not. That when we come into church we do things like genuflect and bless ourselves with holy water because we are reminding ourselves that He is God, I am not. He likened our relationship with God to one between an infant and it's parents. He said that a baby does not know how much it needs its parents. Does not know what it needs. And without the parents the infant would not survive. So, too, is our relationship with God. Sometimes we go through life and think that we don't need God. But indeed we do, more than we know.

When we prayed the Our Father people joined hands across aisles, no matter if you knew anyone or not. After church a woman about my age who is a pharmacist in town and whom I'd met on one of my previous visits came up to us and said hello. We talked for a bit and exchanged phone numbers.

Not since I've been to church at St. Mary's have I felt a place this welcoming and with so much community. Looking through the bulletin, I think they are also pretty conservative when it comes to certain things, but it was just another little dose of reassurance that Charlie and I did the right thing following His path for us. Even if it did lead us to Nebraska. At least for now:)

1 comment:

Tammie said...

HOORAY! I have tears in my eyes as I read this! This is wonderful news!